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Hingham Public Schools Provides Update on Search for Executive Director of Student Services

Hingham, MA – May 21, 2024 – Hingham Public Schools is pleased to provide an update to the community regarding the ongoing search for the Executive Director of Student Services.

In the past school year, Dr. Barbara Cataldo has admirably served as the interim director. Despite concerted efforts, including an extensive search process, a permanent replacement has not been secured. This outcome mirrors challenges faced by many educational institutions statewide in filling such crucial roles.

Acknowledging the invaluable contributions of Dr. Cataldo, the district is grateful for her commitment to extend her interim tenure through the 2024-2025 academic year. This decision ensures continuity in leadership and the preservation of ongoing initiatives within the student services department. Dr. Cataldo’s leadership has already been instrumental in spearheading a comprehensive program evaluation and fostering meaningful engagement with families through collaboration with SEPAC.

Bringing over fifteen years of extensive experience in public education administration, Dr. Cataldo’s background includes notable roles such as Superintendent of Schools, Director of Student Services, and Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services. Her academic credentials comprise a Bachelor of Arts from Wheaton College, a Master of Education from Harvard University, and a Doctorate of Educational Leadership from Northeastern University.

Looking ahead, Hingham Public Schools anticipates reopening the search process in early winter next year, reaffirming the district’s commitment to securing the best possible leadership for its student services department.