Tuesday, March 25, Day 7, Drop A Period
After school detention is in the LMC with Ms. Gallagher
Monday Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 2:40-3:30om
Daily Notices…
The Veterans Appreciation Club meets Thursday, at 7:15, in room 182.
The Hingham Service Club is collecting donations of toiletries, bathroom supplies, and kitchen supplies up until Wednesday, April 9th! The donations are going to the local nonprofit My Brother's Keeper for families in need in Massachusetts. They will be collecting goods in a bin in the main lobby.
There will be an open enrollment meeting for Activists United this Thursday, March 27th at 7:30am in Room 180. Any 9th, 10th, or 11th graders interested in learning more about local and global activism should come by or reach out to Ms. Jope.
March 25, Day 7:
MCAS ELA 10th grade ~ Sophomores should report to their assigned classrooms at the start of the day.
CARES Grade Level Assemblies
9:00 Grade 9 Auditorium ~ Students will be called to the auditorium
(Hunter Flores of Brothers Awareness)
10:00 Grade 11 Auditorium ~ Students will be called to the auditorium
(Cameron Flores of Brothers Awareness)
12:30 Grade 12 Auditorium ~ Students will be called to the auditorium
(Kevin Rosario)
1:30 Grade 10 Auditorium ~ Students will be called to the auditorium
("Taylor's Message" with Kathi Sullivan)
March 26, Day 1:
MCAS ELA 10th grade ~ Sophomores should report to their assigned classrooms at the start of the day.
YRBS Survey ~ X Block 8:45 – 9:34 YRBS
A Block: 8:00-8:42am
Homeroom/Announcements: 8:42-8:45am
X Block (for survey): 8:45-9:34am ~ YRBS
B Block: 9:38-10:18am
C Block: 10:22-11:02am
Back to regular schedule
A reminder to all students… Gambling is prohibited by our Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. Students found to be gambling can face significant disciplinary action. This includes but is not limited to March Madness.
Do you need community service hours? South Shore Country Club is having a Spring Ahead Day on Saturday, March 29. Volunteer to help get the SSCC ready for spring from 8am-11am, then from 11am-2pm they are hosting “Fly a Kite with the Easter Bunny.” If you are interested in volunteering, please email Ms. Shinney.
A reminder to all students who would like to travel to Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris during April vacation next year: please make sure to reserve your spot! Enrollment has begun and space is limited! Please reach out to Ms. Roth, Ms. Black, or Ms. Papuga with any questions.
Scholarship of the Week: The Neal Tompkins Memorial Scholarship
Neal Tompkins, a member of the HHS Class of 2015, will always be remembered as a quiet helper. While his charming antics could certainly fill a room, Neal never failed to roll up his sleeves to help his family, friends, and colleagues. If you plan on attending a college outside of the New England Area, please apply for this award! For this application and many others available to the class of 2025, please visit the School Counseling office or on hinghamschools.org!
Junior prom tickets are available online through GoFan. Please be sure to purchase your tickets no later than March 27th. Additionally, if you plan to bring a date that is out of district, there is a form that is required to be filled out and returned to the main office by March 20th. Also, We have Tuxedo Time coupons in the main office. Stop by to pick one up!
School the World Presentation
Date/time: Wednesday, 4/2 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Hingham High School Room 131
Contact: info@schooltheworld.org
Description: Join us to learn about School the World's 2025 high school service trips! STW's Student Service Program provides an inspiring service experience for High School Students. While traveling to Guatemala, Panama, or Honduras, they will get to experience a new culture, make new friends, fulfill service hours and create lasting relationships with the kids in the community! All while supporting our infrastructure growth by building a school and/or a playground! Join us on April 8th to hear from past Hingham student travelers about their experiences, and ask questions about our 2025 summer programs!
Attention student drivers: All student parking spaces are now sold out. If you currently have a space and are no longer using it, please let the main office know so that we can give the spot to someone on the waiting list. Help out your classmates and give back your empty space.
Please do not leave backpacks, sports equipment, etc. unattended. Put any sporting equipment into the locker rooms before school.
A reminder for all students if you arrive early to school you are only to be in the cafeteria, the LMC or with a teacher. There is no hanging out in the gym before school.
Not all parking placards are being properly displayed. Please be sure yours is hanging on your rearview mirror. Administration will be checking the parking lot.
The LMC is open for students starting at 7:30 AM!
Students: Please be reminded that all entrance to the building should happen through the main front door in the morning. That door opens at 7 AM.
This is a friendly reminder that, during lunch, all HHS students, regardless of grade, are welcome to sit outdoors at the picnic tables behind the cafeteria. Fresh air is good for you, so feel free to take advantage of “al fresco dining” whenever you want to get outside at lunch time.
Reminder, no food deliveries such as Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. are allowed during the school day.
Did You Know?
You no longer need to call to report an absence. You will receive an email once we take daily attendance confirming your student is not in school.
Need help with your college application? Have questions about Naviance and matching your Common App? Stop by a College Application Workshop in the Counseling Office every Tuesday afternoon 2:30 - 4 pm. No registration required! Athletes will be given a pass if they are late to practice. Individual appointments can also be arranged during study halls or before school by emailing Mrs. Savery csavery@hinghamshools.org.
LMC Study Hall: You may begin to sign up for Monday LMC studies Friday afterschool by visiting: https://hinghamhighlmc.weebly.com/study-sign-in-all-blocks.html
The Homework Club is back! Thanks to our PTO, you can join your peers from 6:30 – 8:30pm in the HHS LMC to complete your homework, work on a project or essay, or review challenging material. Any HHS student is welcome! You can get help from other students who have been recommended by their teachers as peer tutors. If you are interested, sign up with Ms. O’Connor in Room 289 or email her at coconnor@hinghamschools.org. Or just come by! You can join for all or part of the time.
TRACES STUDENTS: Days 1, 2 your ride will be picking you up in the back of the Cafeteria at 1:30pm. Days 3-7 pickup will be at 12:30pm as well in the back of the Cafeteria.
Driver's Education: Please refer to the website - hhsdrivingschool.weebly.com - for the application as well as answers to your questions!
Student Work Permits: Applying for a job, need a work permit? Be sure to visit the HHS website and go to Resources/Students/Student Work Permit Applications for information about completing your on-line applications. Click here for a direct link! (All permits are processed at Hingham High School.)
Please be aware that HHS has a late bus for anybody who needs it. The bus departs from the main entrance at 3:30 PM every day.