Friday, February 14, Day 6, Drop B Period
After school detention is in Room 278 with Ms. Fennessey
Monday Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 2:40-3:30om
Daily Notices…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Tomorrow is National SRO Day. When you see Officer Ford be sure to thank him for all he and Opry do to keep our school safe!
Attention Juniors… It’s time to start thinking about prom! We have Tuxedo Time coupons in the main office. Stop by to pick one up!
Attention student drivers: All student parking spaces are now sold out. If you currently have a space and are no longer using it, please let the main office know so that we can give the spot to someone on the waiting list. Help out your classmates and give back your empty space.
In Sports News: The boys basketball team won 69-53 against Duxbury on their Senior Night. Looking ahead: The wrestling team will head to Stoughton tomorrow for their Sectionals meet… Good luck!
Knit OR Crochet a 12x12 inch square and contribute to a handmade blanket to be donated to Congregation Sha'aray Shalom and distributed to someone in need. Machine wash and dry yarn only, and please no neon colors. See Ms. Gallagher for details. P.S. Ask to see our selection of yarn in the LMC!
A reminder for all students if you arrive early to school you are only to be in the cafeteria, the LMC or with a teacher. There is no hanging out in the gym before school.
Not all parking placards are being properly displayed. Please be sure yours is hanging on your rearview mirror. Administration will be checking the parking lot.
The LMC is open for students starting at 7:30 AM!
Students: Please be reminded that all entrance to the building should happen through the main front door in the morning. That door opens at 7 AM.
A reminder to all student drivers: All student have been assigned. If you need to pick yours up, stop by the main office. Please have your placard displayed on your rearview mirror. Be sure to drive safely, especially in the neighborhood around the school. The Hingham Police Department has received several complaints recently about speeding on Union Street and Pleasant Street, so you can expect a heightened level of supervision and enforcement of the speed limit.
This is a friendly reminder that, during lunch, all HHS students, regardless of grade, are welcome to sit outdoors at the picnic tables behind the cafeteria. Fresh air is good for you, so feel free to take advantage of “al fresco dining” whenever you want to get outside at lunch time.
Reminder, no food deliveries such as Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. are allowed during the school day.
Did You Know?
You no longer need to call to report an absence. You will receive an email once we take daily attendance confirming your student is not in school.
Need help with your college application? Have questions about Naviance and matching your Common App? Stop by a College Application Workshop in the Counseling Office every Tuesday afternoon 2:30 - 4 pm. No registration required! Athletes will be given a pass if they are late to practice. Individual appointments can also be arranged during study halls or before school by emailing Mrs. Savery
LMC Study Hall: You may begin to sign up for Monday LMC studies Friday afterschool by visiting:
The Homework Club is back! Thanks to our PTO, you can join your peers from 6:30 – 8:30pm in the HHS LMC to complete your homework, work on a project or essay, or review challenging material. Any HHS student is welcome! You can get help from other students who have been recommended by their teachers as peer tutors. If you are interested, sign up with Ms. O’Connor in Room 289 or email her at Or just come by! You can join for all or part of the time.
TRACES STUDENTS: Days 1, 2 your ride will be picking you up in the back of the Cafeteria at 1:30pm. Days 3-7 pickup will be at 12:30pm as well in the back of the Cafeteria.
Driver's Education: Please refer to the website - - for the application as well as answers to your questions!
Student Work Permits: Applying for a job, need a work permit? Be sure to visit the HHS website and go to Resources/Students/Student Work Permit Applications for information about completing your on-line applications. Click here for a direct link! (All permits are processed at Hingham High School.)
Please be aware that HHS has a late bus for anybody who needs it. The bus departs from the main entrance at 3:30 PM every day.
Month at a Glance ~ February 2025
February 1 Junior/Senior SEMSBA Auditions
February 3-7 Unity Week
February 3 9th Grade Advisory ~ 2nd Half of B Block
February 3 Open Mic Music Night ~ 7pm Auditorium at HHS
February 4, 5 MCAS Biology Retests
February 5 Early Release at 11:30am ~ Shortened Blocks Day 6
February 6 Student/Principal Forum 2:40pm ~ Room 103
February 6 PTO Meeting 7pm ~ Room 103
February 6 All-Town Chorus Concert 7pm Auditorium at Hingham Middle School
February 17-21 February Recess
February 26 Program of Studies Nights 6:30pm
Field Trips & Miscellaneous
Thursday, February 13: Dr. Pawlowski and potential students to tour TRACES, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m
Thursday, February 27: Mr. Porter and French Students (exchange students) Hingham tour
Monday, March 3: Mr. Porter and French Student (exchange students), Hingham/Boston
Tuesday, March 4: Mr. Porter and French Students (exchange students), Hingham/Boston
Friday, March 14: Mrs. Flanagan to URI FIRST Robotics Competition, leaving 6:30am, returning 8:00pm
March 19 – March 23: Mr. Cincotta and Ms. Sassano to LA to go to Philharmonic/Grammy Museum, approx. 45 students